Sample Beneficiary Designation

To designate Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan or other financial account, please use the following information:

Useful Legal Information

Legal name: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Address: 110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180
Federal Tax ID number: 14-1340095


For More Information

Before deciding about your estate plan, consult an estate planning attorney. To learn more about how your gift will be put to use, contact

Drew Babitts, MBA, CAP®, Director, Gift Planning, at (518) 276-8365 or

Your Giving Toolkit

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

Sample Beneficiary Designation

Sample Codicil

For Trustees and Advisors

I’m here to help

Drew Babitts, MBA, CAP®

Drew Babitts, MBA, CAP®

Director, Gift Planning

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute